Friday, August 27, 2010


Environment is a sensitive and complex ecosystem because it has many influencing factors and is feeling the strain due to pollution, deforestration and construction.

         Measurements of temperature taken by instruments all over the world, on land and at sea have revealed that during the 20th century the Earth’s surface and lowest part of the atmosphere warmed up on average by about 0.6°C. During this period, man-made emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased, largely as a result of the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation, and land use changes including deforestation for agriculture. In the last 20 years, concern has grown that these two phenomena are, at least in part, associated with each other. That is to say, global warming is now considered most probably to be due to the increases in greenhouse gas emissions and concurrent increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, which have enhanced the Earth's natural greenhouse effect. Whilst other natural causes of climate change can cause global climate to change over similar periods of time, computer models demonstrate that in all probability there is a real discernible human influence on the global climate.

             In Malaysia, people have felt the occurrence of weather fluctuation which leads to flooding.
            Gelber said the average Malaysian is responsible for six tons of carbon emissions each year, due to fuel and electricity consumption.

            “As consumers we are responsible for burning fuel and the use of electricity which creates CO2 and leads to global warming.

             As global warming is caused by human beings we can take steps to prevent it. If you are a parent, leader or decision maker, you can set an example by changing your thinking and daily habits, which may take some effort in the beginning.

            “One of the things you can do is to be aware of your own carbon footprint and see where we can reduce, or compensate by sponsoring tree planting and other environmental projects,

             “For example the number of cars on the road have significantly increased our carbon footprint in the atmosphere. Alternatively you can use cars that are fuel efficient or use bio-fuel.”

             There are more tips on how to adopt a green lifestyle to save our planet, including buying products that save energy and are more

Environmentally friendly.

  1. You can even start from your home by being energy efficient; switching off electronical appliances which are not in use, or replace old and faulty ones.
  2. We must believe we can do our part to prevent global warming and start by creating more awareness.

“To conclude, every little contribution counts. Too many people think they cannot make a difference, but when everybody do their part, we will make a huge difference,” 

Edited by (NSTP article, on wednesday, November 12, 2008)   

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