Friday, October 22, 2010

HFC-134a refrigerant is more secure.

Number of four-wheeled vehicle users is increasing every year. Release statistics by the Ministry of Transport in 2008 shows that the number of vehicles on the road is 7,848,783 (cars), 63,604 (bass), 74,508 (taxi), 15,313 (self-drive hire cars), 900 354 (commercial vehicles), and 448559 (other vehicles, especially trucks).
All vehicles were equipped with air conditioner to reduce the effects of the hot equatorial climate with a temperature range of 29-34 degrees Celsius environment and air humidity 70-80 per cent (from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm).
However, the benefits and advantages of each man's creation is certainly no disadvantage. The motorists should use discretion and responsibility in addressing the destruction of the ozone layer.

This fact is supported by the study of Molina and Rowland in 1974, which shows that molecular chlorine from CFC-12 is a contributor to ozone depletion.

Development of new refrigerant is ozone-friendly, namely hydrofluorocarbons refrigerants such as HFC-134a has provided a new light to the vehicle air conditioners, especially in the Malaysia because it can replace existing CFC-12 which has been used since 1996.
by : Siti Roslina Binti Mat Daud
Dewan Kosmik 2010

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